Shilela Schools

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Login +255672590623 4 Ango St, Boma Ng'ombe, Hai, Kilimanajro
+255672590623 4 Ango St, Boma Ng'ombe, Hai, Kilim...

Shilela Schools

achievement through excellence

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Little Achievers

A playgroup class for the little thinkers who are nurtured to be future leaders.

Junior Learners

The developed minds that are curios and thirsty for knowledge.

Aspiring Achievers

Leaders are made and not born. We teach students to become independent as they step out.

Welcome to Shilela Schools

School facilities

  • Standard ICT Centre
  • Good Multipurpose Hall
  • Expert Teachers
  • Day and Boarding Facility
Gosfem helps you to develop essential education and your career of years experiences.

Transform your life through education to make the most of each semester to choose the best major. Prepare for grad school. Whatever it is, you can do it here. Explore our digital viewbook. Your journey starts here.
... Read more

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Established 2022 Canada

Standard classrooms for students

Standard ICT centre for students

Learn from skilled teachers always


Enrolled students


Total alumni


Skilled teachers


Total classrooms

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Students Enjoying Their Lives at MSS.

Students Enjoying Their Lives at MSS.

Helping students to gain skills and providing career development often take a back seat to business priorities but workplace better right now.

What students are enjoying.

  • Standard ICT Centre
  • Good Multipurpose Hall
  • Expert Teachers
  • Day and Boarding Facility
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Current Events

28 May, 2024

Forodhani Nasi ...

05:00am Tanga

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